ALH Day Service Volunteer
Hosted by: Sheffield Mencap and Gateway

This is a rewarding role - each session is different from the last - where you will have the opportunity to build on your people skills. You will be supporting adults with learning disabilities in a classroom setting. Group sizes are normally around 10 and you would work alongside a tutor or group leader and learning support assistant. There are multiple activities throughout the week including Art, Cookery, Gardening, Sports, Creative Writing, drama, Design and Technology, Media, and many others), some of these courses are accredited and members work towards their AQA qualifications, and other non-accredited groups have their own personal targets to work towards. The focus of all that we do is to give confidence and independence to people with learning disabilities. This role mainly consists of encouraging and supporting our group members in a variety of activities, collaborating with staff, and socially at lunch and break times.
By volunteering at Sheffield Mencap and Gateway, you will:
- Gain invaluable experience of working with children or adults with learning disabilities.
- Build transferable skills and knowledge.
- Take part in training, with ongoing support given.
- Learn new things and be trained in a range of different skills.
- Meet others and make new friends.


Days required: Mon AM, Mon PM, Tues AM, Tues PM, Weds AM, Weds PM, Thur AM, Thur PM, Fri AM, Fri PM

How many volunteers are needed:


Recruitment process:

A reply from a registration of interest will be given between 24-48 hours.
The application process involves completing a volunteer information form, an informal chat and tour around the building (as an induction interview), and a DBS check.

Gender restrictions?: No
Type of activity: Art, Coaching/ teaching and training, Gardening