Barnsley CVS oversees the delivery of funding pots that we have been allocated to distribute to the sector. 


We currently have one funding pot open: Mental Health Innovation Fund


We also work closely with South Yorkshire Funding Advice Bureau (SYFAB) to direct groups to the right places and support applications. 



Lorna Lewis is Barnsley's Funding Development Worker for SYFAB.


Lorna's role


- I want to encourage people to register with us to enable them to benefit from using our free resources.


- I can provide one to one support in relation to grant applications.


- I can liaise with funders on your behalf


- I will be organising a series of workshops and one to one surgeries across the borough during the year.


- I can refer you to other services that can help you develop your organisation and help you get ready to receive funding.


To contact Lorna, email  [email protected], call 07774 771452


SYFAB was formed in 1990 and is a project based at South Yorkshire Community Foundation (SYCF).


What do SYFAB do?


- Produce funding news and weekly bulletins


- Provide funding searches from a database of over 200 funders


- Provide KnowHow information sheets to help you acquire funding.


- Run training programmes, covering a wide variety of funding topics


For more information, have a look at their website: